Your period // cycle // bleed //

(any and all words you like)

Doula in Vitoria bc

Bleeding is something so many bodies go through, without the education, support, and community connection they need to make it a somewhat better/fucking amazing experience.

I’m here as a certified doula to help you find deeper relationship with your body, needs, and desires throughout your bleed!

As a queer person, I welcome all genders to reach out for support.

I help you make a plan for the time you are releasing, access and create community, and hold space 1:1 in a holistic bodywork + heart way.

Step 1 :: Planning sessions and knowledge share

Here we get to know each other, get to know more of the direction you are wanting to take in this work, and your desires for bleed time. We also go over an Ayurvedic, Chinese Medicine, and Craniosacral Perspective on the energetics and physicality of cycling and body/community needs.

Step 2 :: Home care (or in clinic)

Based on what you are most interested in, we will do one or a few of the following;

Cooking for the uterus, pelvic steaming consult, biodynamic session, hot oil massage, qi gong +

A mix of practitioner work and doula care is what I love to offer. This looks like sessions outside of your bleed time to prepare or sessions during to support you in rest mode. I will teach you recipes and practises to continue your journey with!

Step 3 :: Widening the sphere

As a continuation of our planning sessions, we look to the community you have and the ones you want to grow. As a doula, the #1 place I’ve seen folks need support in, is in accessing community. Wether it be postpartum or a period, the relational sphere is huge in getting needs met and having connection. Here we use practical ways of asking for help, and offering it. This last step is a way to encourage your ability to continue this work outside of our container, and into the world! Perhaps the most important. <3

The period doula package :: $500

(includes all 3 steps)

  • Intro session after our initial 20 min consult!

  • 2 bodywork/private class sessions as needed (Highly recommended!)

    • can include: Yoga, Sleep Yoga, Ayurvedic Massage, Qi gong, Craniosacral, Acupressure, Energy Work

  • 1 Pelvic Steam consult and herbs with a detailed plan and follow up with how things are going.

  • 2.5 hour kitchen session for you to learn a new recipe, OR have a few meals cooked for you!

  • Community planning session for us to pull on your resources and make braids to hold onto, feed into with love. this can be mixed with a mini yoga/qi gong or kitchen session.

  • Text support.

*Ingredients for in home cooking, and herbs other than 1 cycle of pelvic steam herbs are an added price.

*$40/sessions and home care and $80/bodywork and consults (contact for sliding scale)

*This package can be re-worked or thrown in the trash and re made based on your needs! Enquire to learn more about how this would go about. :)

A note on the type of work I do. As a trained ‘doula’ I work in between practitioner and supporter. This is a space where our professional relationship is built on trust and respect. Most of that trust building is done through communication, and honouring our own and each other’s boundaries. So much of this work asks you, and myself, to step back into ourselves and ask our bodies and being what we need and how we feel in order to know who we are in the space of relation. Naming desires, what you want and don’t want is going to be fundamental and incrementally supported throughout our journey!

Contact to get in touch and enquire!