About me


Hi there, welcome, I am eden <3 that’s my name.

I am a craniosacral therapist, sailor, doula, artist, weaver, lover, never in order. Plants, humans, sand, neurodivergence, decolonization, queerness, colour, and seeds are some of my favs.

I am seriously fabulously in love with the art of Bayo Akomolafe, Julia Stolk, Sarah Rhude, Hayao Miazaki, the secret of roan innish, mudgirls, The Wheel of Consent, sex workers in general, spring blooms, steamed clams, and heron on the beach.

I mega enjoy story/films with land as central figure, and herbs that poke me.

I know I’m resourced when im curious. Presence is something I seek quite often.. I write poetry most when im lonely. And I like exploring new places, but find nesting to be my primary focal point.

My professional life is varied, and involves a multidisciplinary approach to Whole System Healing, or better yet, decolonization. My most current happenings are graduating from my Craniosacral course, and launching my second annual China Cloud Fundraiser for exciting home and community happenings come summer.